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Unmasking the Vendatta against Raji Kehinde, by AEF Media Team



The recent article condemning Raji Kehinde Aaraj as a fraudster and a man without honor is a vicious and unwarranted attack. As Chief of Staff to Senator Ajagunla Olubiyi Fadeyi, Tunde Badmus’ letter reeks of political vendetta and desperation. Let’s set the record straight.

The motive of the article is questionable. The credibility of his claims are compromised by the clear bias and personal agenda exhibited. Badmus’ involvement in the friction between Aaraj and Senator Fadeyi raises suspicions about the motives behind this public denunciation.

The piece lacks concrete evidence, as it relies heavily on unsubstantiated claims and hearsay. Where is the proof of Aaraj’s alleged fraudulent activities? The failure to provide concrete evidence undermines the validity of these severe accusations. Not only that, it is defamation, which is punishable by law.

In an attempt to be selective about the truth,
Badmus conveniently omits facts that contradict his narrative. What about Aaraj’s contributions to the community or his legitimate business endeavors? Something open to many. A fair and balanced perspective would acknowledge both sides of the story. Why omit his numerous positive impacts in the society?

The letter’s tone is unnecessarily malicious, with personal jabs and insults. This unprofessional approach undermines the credibility of the accusations and suggests a deeper personal vendetta.

It is a complete show of destructive Politics.
This public smear campaign serves only to damage Aaraj’s reputation and deter potential allies. It’s a harmful and divisive tactic that poisons the political landscape, fuelled by insensitive and unscrupulous politicians, who are blind to the bitter and vindictive seeds they are sowing into the political landscape of Osun State.

Another source, Osun Parrot, also accuses Aaraj of being a social media influencer with no genuine engineering credentials. However, it provides no concrete evidence to support these claims. In fact, it contradicts itself by acknowledging Raji’s graduation, albeit without taking a step further to confirm from the institutions he attended, if truly his credentials were questionable. It is disservice to feed people with falsehoods, in the name of sensational journalism.

The article’s author is obviously more interested in discrediting Raji Kehinde than providing a balanced assessment. The repeated references to his supposed “struggle for relevance” and “inferiority complex” suggest a personal vendetta.

By picking specific incidents and relationships, the author creates a distorted narrative. Where’s the context? There was no mention of Raji’s philanthropic deeds or his legitimate occupation. Rather, defamatory phrases like “paid urchins disguised as supporters” and “blackmail” cross the line into defamation. This language undermines the article’s credibility and uncovers it’s destructive intent.

These two unfounded write-ups clearly show a calculated attempt to defame a noble citizen of Osun State. Have they taken time to ask how many lives have been touched by Kehinde Raji’s Kejebu pet project?
It is shameful for politicians whose lives and those of their dependants survive on government allocations, to pick on a selfless business man who advances the cause of the downtrodden in the society from his personal treasury.

The article is also a flawed and malicious attack on Raji Kehinde’s character. It is nothing but a personal smear campaign, a political hit piece. We must be cautious of such tactics and demand more substantial and respectful discourse.Rather than spreading misinformation, as intelligent and well meaning citizens, we should strive for constructive dialogue. Focus on verifiable facts and respectful discourse Our society deserves better.

© AEF Media Team

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