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N-POWER: Minister Apologizes Gives 48hrs Ultimatum For January Payment



As at 20th of February, 2020, January stipend for Npower beneficiaries yet to be paid and there is heat everywhere among the Npower volunteers due to the fact that January Stipends has not been paid. As a matter of the fact, some beneficiaries have started absconding their place of primary assignment due to inability to transport themselves.

The good news is that as of Wednesday 19th of February 2020, a source close to one of the government officials had made it known that Npower Stipends was delayed due to some technical issues and it has been rectified. The source made it known to us that payment of beneficiary may commence from the next 48hours.

For delaying January payment, the Minister of Humanitarian and disaster management tendered her unreserved apology to all beneficiaries and at the same time warned strictly that any volunteer found wanting of his/her duty post will be duely punished. She concluded, payment will commence soon. We are sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused!

Source: Operanews

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