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N-POWER: 5 Categories of Beneficiaries Who Would Likely Get Permanency



A top official of the scheme has given insight into the categories of beneficiaries who stand a change of being converted into permanent staff in their various Places of Primary Assignment as the agitation for permanency by first batch of N-Power beneficiaries continue to gather momentum.

The official who pleaded anonymity because he was not permitted to speak on the issue told CNR Nigeria that the clarification has become necessary due to the growing demand for permanency by existing beneficiaries whose period in the programme is due to elapse by November this year.

While noting that those beneficiaries clamouring for permanency have either forgotten the terms and conditions of the scheme or not willing to face the reality, the official explained that many beneficiaries would be given permanent appointed in their respective places of work but not from N-Power or the Federal Government.

“We discover to our utmost surprise the recent growing agitation by existing beneficiaries for permanency. Much as we are aware of the high rate of unemployment in the country, we expect the existing beneficiaries to conduct themselves in a manner befitting of every responsible citizen.

“If you are aware, permanency is not part of conditions outlined in the agreement that every beneficiary read and accepted before they were formally posted to places of primary assignment and placed on government payroll for a monthly stipend.

“Mind you that I do not speak on behalf of N-Power, but we have been receiving mails and enquiries from different people asking questions about this permanency issue. Let’s face the reality here; N-Power from inception made it abundantly clear that the programme is for a contract period of two years during which beneficiaries are expected to have saved enough money to start their own small businesses and pick up from there. So where is the issue of permanency coming from?, the obviously surprised official wondered.

He explained however, that, like in every training programme such as internship and the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, there is always room for host institutions and companies to absorb high performing trainees who showed diligence and unreserved dedication to duty.

“Truth is that many N-Power beneficiaries will get permanent appointment in their respective PPAs but not necessarily from N-Power or the Federal Government. We all know that most of the places beneficiaries are working lack adequate staff capacity and now they see N-Power as a means to train the beneficiaries to their own standard and retain them. But not everyone will be retained or given permanent appointment, he insisted.  He therefore listed the categories of beneficiaries who would most likely secure permanent job for themselves in their PPAs due to their proven diligence and dedication to service.

“For the avoidance of doubt, let me tell you the categories of beneficiaries who stand high chances of getting retained in their PPAs.

Number one are those who are punctual and regular at their places of work. Number two are those who always make themselves available for different kinds of supervision. Take those teaching in schools for instance, most states usually send education ministry officials for clinical supervision of teachers in schools.

These official also take time to supervise N-Power teachers who are present. “Another categories are those who are actually performing their assigned duties with zeal and passion.

Those are the kind people anyone would readily recommend for appointment. Someone can be punctual and regular at his place of work but doesn’t do the actual work.

“The fourth category are those who volunteer to perform other functions outside his or her job specifications. You will agree that some people feel offended whenever they are assigned functions that are not part of their primary duties. N-Power staff may be appointed staff secretary or House master or Manual Labour master and so on.

“The last but not the least are those who in addition to the above, have a cordial working relationship with their boss and colleagues. I talk to you from experience. Life race is individual race.

After all this noise about permanency, some people will get it from their respective states but it is not part of the original idea of N-Power. It can only achieved on basis of the criteria I listed.

He said that some of those who are agitating for permanency are not regularly attending to duties in their PPAs and advised beneficiaries to see their period in the programme as an opportunity acquire skills that will make them employable.

Source: CNR Nigeria

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