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FIBAN CRISIS: Osun Chairman, Olugbade Oluomo Squeezed By Members For Pretending Things Are Normal Within The Association



In response to the news published by on Friday over the recent rumbles generated from the national election of the Freelance and Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria (FIBAN), the Osun State Chairman of the association, Comrade Olugbade Oluomo taken to online platforms of the group to debunk the report that says members of the association across four different states are threatened to denounce their membership while Lagos chapter already boycotted the activities of the association officially.

Immediately after his response to the news on Saturday afternoon, some stakeholders and active members of the association from Osun State started online attack on Osun FIBAN Chairman, telling him to stop pretending as if things are normal within the association and face the reality.

Read below, details of what happened online:

Oluomo responded to the news using the photograph where two Presidential aspirants embraced each other.

He wrote: “This is exactly what happened in that moment the president elect was announced. What a spirit of sportsmanship, love and maturity displayed by Chief Dr. Basiru Adisa Baba Agboin. In politics, not a new thing that griverances usually looms after any elections, it’s normal for the followers, supporters and loyalists of the opposition to react after election. But in this case of just concluded FIBAN Nat’l election, Lagos State Chapter (Baba Agboin state) reactions is very normal. But i want to tell the general public that everything is under control, as all our elders/leaders already stepped into action to settle all griverances among members and bring us back to one fold as one love will ever keep us together! Baba Agboin has promised not to disactive his membership no matter the outcome of the election during a Radio presidential debate held b4 election. NT:Report on Osun and other states NOT TRUE, the reporter trying to gain readers attentions.
– Comr. Olugbade Olu-Oluomo
(Chairman, FIBAN, Osun state Chapter)”

His predecessor, Alh Orolomo response reads: “Won ntan e, o ntan Abela…..Fiban is already crashed unless you traitors and deceivers change to the transparent we are fighting for, how dare you saying Osun members are not disengaging, who tells you is NOT TRUE or THE REPORTER TRYING TO GAIN READERS ATTENTION…. We are leaving the association for you and your cangaroo caucus. Am only FREELANCE AND INDEPENDENT BROADCASTER….. Not any association of Nigeria I belong to talkless of so called whatever..When I start to deal with you people in Osun taajo wa yii, e maa GBA pe Eran toyi lonje namo.”

In his response, Alatata said, “I pray this crisis does not have dire consequences like the one ANTP experienced back then! Dialogue is the key and best way forward cos this association was toiled for by the elders and we should be careful not to rubbish their legacy!”

A one time State Chairman in acting capacity, Aare Bosun Oode expressed his feelings that: “My dear brother, I envisaged this occurrence long time ago. FIBAN is an association where Injustice is promoted by some feeble minded people whose ego flies like kites. This situation in which we find ourselves is expected. The late Gbenga Adeboye of blessed memory created FIBAN with good intention, but those he left behind derailed!. This is the bitter truth to whom it may concern🤷‍♀.”

Another response from Kijipa-Oro reads: “Report by the reporter is true. #Desmond, not my President.
“It has just begun. #Desmond, not my President”.

Response from Mr Yemi Bubble says: “God bless you my chairman sir, hope you can still remember all our ordeals before I port to YBA (Yoruba broadcaster’s Association). FIBAN, gathering of………… 😆😆😆”

The Chairman latter responded to the reporter’s comment in other to cool the tension. He said: “If you can read my write up well, i did not deny the fact that Lagos State reacted and issued a statement to boycott from Nat’l activities. Which is not a big deal in politics after any elections, but we are sure that everything will come back to normal soonest. But rumours about Osun, Kwara, Oyo etc not real.”

However, in response to what Osun State Chairman said, OsunReporters News had promised earlier to get to the root of the matter by reporting the activities of various State on all our social media platforms. #StayConnected

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