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Detail of how Nigerian undergraduate commits suicide



Depression is real but suicide is not an option. As the situation of every Nigerian is different to one another, the steps taken to resolve the problem were also different….. A 400-level student of the University of Ilorin, UNILORIN, Elijah Jude Anuoluwapo has committed suicide.

According to the report, the deceased, popularly known as Jude, died in the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) where he was rushed to by his colleagues for medical attention after allegedly consumed poisonous substances.

……Findings reveal that Jude, who would have turned 27 next month, had unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide on two occasions.

…….Before his death, Jude was a student of English Language, majoring in Literature in the Department of English of the university. The victim was said to have been frustrated by alleged rejection by members of his immediate family after the reported death of his mother.

…….He said, “A close friend of the deceased said: “His father had abandoned his mother since she was carrying Jude’s pregnancy which later led to his mother’s death out of depression.

……….“Jude was raised by his maternal grandmother who later died last year of cancer complications. The development had become the main factor that had given him severe depression and frustration and made him to attempt suicide twice before the last one that later led to his death earlier on Thursday morning. He was a very brilliant student and even one of the very best with mastery of languages in the whole of the university campus.

…..“Many of us pleaded with him and even referred him to the school counselling unit after the second unsuccessful attempt which was about three weeks ago. It came to our surprise that he proceeded with another attempt around 8:15 pm Wednesday evening. We actually tried to save his life as usual, but to no avail, as he finally gave up the ghost earlier today in the hospital. If he didn’t die, he should have been one of the very best writers of the next generation.”

…..Some other coursemates of the deceased described him as a brilliant student who killed himself as a result of depression, while some of his colleagues hailed his braveness and perseverance, some others blamed him for considering suicide as an option despite several attempts to rescue him from untimely death.

………“Many people quickly came to his rescue, most especially classmates to save his life as they promptly moved him to the school clinic and later to the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) where he later died out of inadequate treatment because medical doctors were not readily available on duty due to the strike ongoing.

(Nigerian Tribune)

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