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Police Capture 108 Maritime Impersonators In Lagos



No less than 108 suspects supposedly imitating men and officials of the Nigerian Naval force have been captured by the Lagos State Police Order.

The state Official of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, said the suspects were captured during an attack on their instructional course in the Ogudu-Sanfield space of the state on Wednesday.

While strutting the suspects at the order central command in Ikeja, Odumosu said the superior of the instructional course, Sunday Dakare, was additionally captured, adding that the suspects were working under the name of the Nigerian Trader Naval force, likewise called the Seaside Protection.

Odumosu said, “On November 10, 2021, around 11am, the Lagos State Police Order assaulted the unlawful instructional course of the Trader Naval force situated in the Ogudu-Sandfield region, Lagos State, and captured the Chief, Sunday Dakare, 47, along with 107 presumes presently on preparing.

I wish to illuminate you that there has been valid significant insight on the criminal operations of the Vendor Naval force following which the order left on serious observation of the camp and its exercises in that. Resulting upon serious observing of the camp and its administrators, the order did an all around composed plain activity at the instructional course in the early long periods of today.

During the attack, which was facilitated by the tasks division of the order, the accompanying things were recuperated: a few military accessories, including disguise identifications of positions, a banner, a billboard and ID cards. Different things recuperated incorporate enrollment letters, advancement letters, a representation of the chief, two bikes, one plasma television, three cutlasses, criminal charms and different things.”

The Official of police who encouraged individuals from the general population to be careful about individuals acting like military work force to do illicit activities in the state, noticed that the National Government had banned the Nigerian Vendor Naval force. He said the police, notwithstanding, found that the gathering had been working wrongfully starting around 2005.

“This pattern forecasts risk for our country and a danger to harmony and security. It, in this manner, benefits us as a law requirement office to implement the law restricting exercises of the illicit military outfit. I need to utilize this medium to caution others or gatherings actually working such illicit outfits in any piece of the state to close it forthwith.

“The police won’t spare a moment to clip down on them and their administrators and carry them to book,” he added.

One of the suspects, Kehinde Islamiat, said her dad requested that she join the activity.

She said, “I don’t have the foggiest idea what amount was paid; I’m not even certain he paid and I have been with them for a very long time. We are as yet anticipating that the Federal Government should pay our compensation. Everything about this stuff is on the web; we are anticipating that the government should answer our supplications for our rifles and watch vans.”

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